

Salvation Explained

Just a simple, yet detailed medium-lengthed message explaining whatever Jesus was talking about in John 3: the basics of salvation and becoming born-again, which Jesus defined as a must to enter Heaven.

Jesus Claims the Need to be Born Again

Jesus explained the need to be born again in only one chapter, John 3. Simple.

Noah's Ark Located

A full treatment on the subject of Noah's Ark and its discovery. Note: This was not published in any article but this one and the now-defunct website of Edward Crawford, who died in 2009. One day soon, it may be revealed to the world as proof of the validity of the story. For now, it remains in the only place one would expect it to be found, between two glaciers atop Mt. Ararat in Turkey, in a unique area that has shown little or no past glacial activity. Our best estimate is 39.7176415 N, 44.2934125 E. Its outline has even been photographed (page 15) by satellite just after a bomb was dropped on it revealing the gabled window matrix described in the Bible. The problem is the great size of the structure is apparently about 2.5 times longer than the 450 feet usually attributed to its length. That's because the "cubit" of this era was about 2.5 times longer than it is known today. The photoanalysis (proof that it is not some Photoshopped fake) is here.

Update on the The Search for Noah's Ark

This is a 2024 update on Noah's Ark. It has been definitely located, but due to God's timing, has not been excavated yet.

Modern Miracles

Even in the 21st Century (and at all times) miracles have been rare, but happening.  An amazing look into what many people know, but strangely do not speak of.

The Prophet Elijah Fed by Ravens

In the midst of a food crisis, God is able to feed the Prophet. Could this also be a diet recommendation for meal timing and human nutrients?

The Timing of Jesus' Prediction of Peter's Denial

When did Jesus foretell of Peter's denial? At the Last Supper? Or on the road to Gethsemane?

1 Corinthians 2

A look at 1 Corinthians 2.

Romans 8

A simple look at Romans 8.

The Lord's Prayer

Jesus taught us how to pray. Why don't we listen?

The Ten Commandments

This is just a simple overview of the Ten Commandments given at Mt. Sinai.

The Ten Plagues of Egypt

A look at the ten plagues of Egypt and their significance.

The Copper Serpent: Symbolism and Salvation in Numbers 21

What can the story of the Copper Serpent teach us today?

Shamgar and the Ox Goad: An Unusual Hero

Mentioned only in one verse, Shamgar's story is redemptive.

Wisdom Personified as a Woman in Proverbs 8

Wisdom is personified (and hopefully clarified) here.

Levirate Marriage: The Story of Ruth and Boaz

What is the full story on Ruth and Boaz's marriage?

The Use of Violence in the Old Testament

A look at violence as portrayed in the Old Testament and Revelation.


Forgiveness is a rarely-seen attribute of Christian life. We could all use a bit more of it.

The Kenites: Allies of Israel

Who were the Kenites? Find out here.

The Imprisonment of Paul and Silas in Philippi

Why did Paul wait to reveal his Roman citizenship? He could have avoided imprisonment. Maybe he had other reasons.

The Antioch Incident: Paul's Confrontation with Peter over Table Fellowship

What was the conflict of Paul and Peter all about?

Ehud: The Left-Handed Judge and Deliverer

Who was Ehud? Any why was his left-handedness considered an advantage?

The Prayer of Jabez: A Study in Faith and Divine Favor

The Prayer of Jabez, a unique look at 1 Chronicles 4:10.

Enoch's Translation: Walking with God

A look at the passing of Enoch.

Evil Beasts of the Bible

A brief study of the nine evil beasts mentioned in Scripture.

The Great Supper

Whether a parable or an actual historical event, this narrative of Jesus is remarkable in truth.

The Crucifixion: An Analysis

A look at the horror of the Crucifixion of Jesus.

The Mark of Cain

What was the Mark of Cain, and more importantly, what did it symbolize?

The Unjust Steward

Possibly being an actual story of history, the enigmatic Unjust Steward remains controversial.

Zipporah's Sharp Stone: Covenant, Circumcision, and Cultural Clash

The story of Zipporah, the wife of Moses.

Men and Women: Their Roles in the Church

The distinct roles of men and women in the Church are clearly defined in Scripture.

Man: God's Crowning Creation in a Universe Made for Us

The utter foolishness of Evolutionism vs. Creationism.

Commentary on the Book of Obadiah

Obadiah, the first one-chapter book in the Bible and the only one in the Old Testament.

Commentary on the Book of Philemon

Philemon, the second in my series of the 5 one-chapter books in the Bible, and the first in the New Testament.

Commentary on the Book of 2 John

2 John has the shortest verse count (13) in the KJV Bible, but it is still longer than 3 John.

Commentary on the Book of 3 John

Here it is! The shortest book in the KJV by words (219) and letters (995).

Commentary on the Book of Jude

And the last one-chapter book in the Bible, Jude.

The Good Samaritan: Parable or Historical Account?

This story has intrigued scholars as either an accurate historical account or an intriguing parable.

The Wise and Foolish Virgins

The 5 wise and 5 foolish virgins illustrate the wisdom and foolishness of man.

The Prodigal Son: A True Family Drama?

Was the story of the Prodigal Son an actual historical narrative?

The Rich Man and Lazarus: A Glimpse Beyond the Veil

This was Jesus' description of Heaven and Hell, whether as a metaphorical parable or as an actual setting of the afterlife.

The Existence of Hell and Eternal Punishment

What does the Bible really say about hell? Fiction or non-fiction.

Notable Near-Death Experience Accounts

And an account of 25 such cases in recent history.

The First Followers: The Lives and Legacies of Jesus' Original Apostles

What is known of the first apostles of Jesus? Sometimes a lot, sometimes a little. Let this overview guide you.

John 17: The High Priestly Prayer of Jesus

Uttered the night of his arrest, this is perhaps the most important prayer of the Bible.

The Last Supper

Jesus knew this would be his final supper. What did he teach his disciples? The story makes more sense if the Last Supper was one night previous to the Passover Meal. Scripturally supported, here are the reasons why.

The Seven Churches of Revelation

In Revelation 2-3, seven churches are addressed thusly.

Job and his Detractors

A look at the book of Job, organized by his critics and God.

Machpelah: Abraham's Cave of the Patriarchs

Often overlooked, this is a look at Machpelah today, located in Hebron, West Bank. Could it be the final resting place of Adam and Eve?


The story of Mephibosheth's deliverence from poverty and fear to sit continually at King David's table.

Bezaleel's Blueprint: Divine Craftsmanship in the Tabernacle

The role of Bezaleel in the construction of the Tabernacle.

The Armor of God

Paul, in his letter to the Ephesians, uses the metaphor of a Roman soldier's armor to describe the spiritual defenses available to Christians.

The Urim and Thummim

Apparently lost in time, what can we know about this ancient Jewish practice?

Biblical Virtues / Unbiblical Faults

This is a listing of Biblical virtues (love, joy, peace, etc.) vs. unbiblcal faults (pride, envy, wrath, etc.)

The Five Sisters' Inheritance

This reveals how 5 sisters (without a brother) participated in receiving a just inheritance.  This shows how God initiated a type of "rights for women".

The Book of Revelation: A Profound and Enigmatic Tapestry

The Book of Revelation is a very encouraging work. In the end, we win! Oddly enough, it is shunned by a majority of pulpits today.

The Identity of The Man of Sin

Who is the "man of sin" as mentioned in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12?

David's Age at the Slaying of Goliath

Exactly how old was David at this event which sealed his adulthood?

The Seven Seals of Revelation

The first in a series of 3. On the 7 seals.

The Seven Trumpets of Revelation

The second in a series of 3. On the 7 trumpets, ending with the Day of the Lord.

The Seven Vials of Wrath of Revelation

The third in a series of 3. On the Day of the Lord's wrath.

Two Witnesses and the 144,000

Who are God's Two Winesses and what relationship do they have with the 144,000?

The Timing of Christ's Return

Generally ignored today as a Tribulation thing, what significance do specific time periods (such as 1260 and 1290 days) hold?

The Timing of the Thief

A look at all 7 of the scripures on the Thief in the Night.

Examining the "Sons of God" and Giants in Genesis 6

A look at how the "sons of God" were not the giants referred to in Genesis 6

The Book of Ecclesiastes

The Book of Ecclesiastes, usually attributed to Solomon, shared some insightful truths on how exactly to live this thing called "life".

Wormwood and the Darkening of the Heavens

A look at the third and fourth trumpets of Revelation.

Epaphroditus: Paul's Fellow Worker

A fellow worker in Philippi, Epaphroditus continued working while deathly ill.

The Book of Proverbs

The Book of Proverbs, written for the most part by King Solomon, was honored for his wisdom. Perhaps there is a thing or two we can learn.

The Romans Road: A Simple Path to Salvation

So simple, yet profound. This whole "purpose of life" is remarkably simple in that any child or person of any IQ can understand it.

The Olivet Discourse

Presented here is the account of the Olivet Discourse of Jesus on what we would call the Tuesday evening before his crucifixion on the subject of the end-times.

The Sermon on the Mount

Generally considered the most important full sermon of Jesus Christ, this was also one of his earliest and most repeated sermons.

The Beatitudes

Just the first teaching from the Sermon on the Mount in greater detail.

The 23rd Psalm

You probably know the six verses from Psalm 23 already by heart.

Jesus Wept

Of course, we all know the shortest verse in the Bible. But, what does it mean?

The Trinity: Three in One

This is my attempt to explain perhaps one of the most unknown concepts in the Bible. And, yet, one of the simplest.

A Few KJV "Errors"

Just a handful of the commonly cited KJV "errors" and how they are easily explained.

The Confusion of Tongues

The origin of the world's languages as laid out in Biblical context.  Not developed over tens of thousands of years, we see this event around 2182 BC.

Biblical Dietary Laws: Divine Purpose and Progression

What was God's purpose and plan in the ever-changing dietary laws and what is His meal plan for serving us today?

Jethro: His Advice on Leadership and Delegation

Jethro, the father-in-law of Moses, offers sound advice to the overwhelmed.

Gehazi's Greed

The story of Gehazi and Naaman.

Melchizedek as Shem, Son of Noah

Who was Melchizedek, the priest honored by Abraham?

The Theology of Work in Scripture

This exploration of the theology of work in Scripture reveals divine principles that can guide our understanding of work's role in human life and spiritual development.

The Role of Humor and Joy in Scripture

Laughter, humor, an joy are repeatedly used to carry the stories of the Bible.

The Curious Case of the Talking Donkey

What was the greater miracle here? That Balaam's ass could speak, or beholding an angel. I have seen angels (about 12 of them in a group). Even though this was "just a dream", I can definitely attest that angels are real. It was the most realistic dream I've ever had.

The Enduring yet Temporal Spiritual Gifts

Are the 9 spiritual gifts mentioned in 1 Corinthians 12, such as miracles, prophecy, and speaking in tongues, still available today?  You can discern whether they are for today's believers or whether they have ceased.

The Permanence of the New Birth

Is salvation a sure thing, "once saved, always saved" as Baptists suggest?  Or can you lose it?  This is a look at how human fatherhood illustrates the difference between salvation and fellowship.

Timing the Birth of Jesus

I stumbled upon the accurate birthday of Jesus, just 40 days prior to a full moon in 4 BCE, and just before a notable lunar eclipse that was visible from Jerusalem. It was not on December 25, as winter weather saw no shepherds in their fields then.

Michal's Childlessness

Michal in cofrontation with her husband, David.

Biblical Study References

A Five-Minute Complete Guide to King James Grammar

The complete mystery behind all those thees and thous is exposed along with the endings of -eth, -th, -est, and -st.

Harmony Spreadsheet

This is just a 7-page table of over 360 Biblical events in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, arranged chronologically. I keep it tucked inside my Bible case for ready reference. The entire Gospel story makes perfect sense when all four accounts are plainly laid out.

Harmony of the Gospels - King James Version

For the more serious student, here are all four Gospels (3779 verses) of the King James Version (Pure Cambrian with words of Christ in red) presented in chronological order with the same over-360 divisions as found in my Harmony Spreadsheet. This above link is as a webpage.  I got so tired of trying to find a harmony such as this online, that I made this one for my own personal study.

The Book of Revelation

This is just the book of Revelation, divided into over 90 segments for easier study. 

The End-Times Rapture Mystery

Could the Rapture timing controversy cause a major disruption of perceived future events? Millions of potential Christians are now being told that Christians will "go up" in the Rapture, pre-trib. Why are they secretly deciding on a "wait and see" policy? When the Rapture occurs, they will be tempted to wait another seven years or so to get right with God. Will they have seven years, or be afforded the luxury of even seven minutes?

Let Both Grow

This is an excellent study of the rapture and a rather simple way, with diagrams, to determine what is the most logical order of things to come. The author's original website is now so haphazard that I decided to reproduce it here.

The Post-Tribulation Resurrection-Rapture

Did you know that Jesus spoke quite openly to his disciples regarding this important subject? Of course, if he did so, the pre-tribulational believers will not be very excited to study these passages. From the prayer of John 17 to the parables of Mark 13 to several other passages, I attempt to outline this important subject. For a plainer view, see Let Both Grow, outlined above.

The Rapture Litmus Paper

This is Edward Crawford's explanatory short story and commentary on the timing of the Rapture and how we, as people, are so easily deceived.

A Simple Proof of the Post-Tribulation Rapture

Okay, I've simplified the rapture into a six-point one-page proof as post-tribulational. Just take a look at the verses which actually mention the rapture as a beginning point.

A Post-Tribulation Response to John Walvoord's Fifty Arguments for Pretribulationism

A critique of John Walvoord's famous 50 points written in the 1950's, one of the main reasons of pretribulation popularity in the modern world.

Chart of the Tribulation

Everybody else has one posted, so I decided to do my own take on the events of the Tribulation. I endeavored to separate it into what can be known and inferred.

The Post-Tribulation Rapture: A Biblical Perspective

This is just a scaled-down presentation of the major points of post-tribulationalists.

Other Assorted Articles

Denying the Word of God

Every pastor you probably know of has blown it on one of these two doctrines, and the church system seems to have no alternative. Oh well, at least you can rest confident in adhering to the Word of God.

The Book of Enoch Examined

Almost unknown is the Book of Enoch. Here are the reasons why.

Spock on Religion

This is more of a personal testimony of my own faith voyage. Adopting the persona of Spock (the Star Trek alien with pointed ears who valued logic, for those who don't know), I try to point out the logic of Christianity. At the end of the article, I illustrate several miracles I have experienced as proof.

Calvinism and TULIP: 'Five-Point Calvinism'

This is Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones' Th.D. Ph.D. commentary on the famous outlines of John Calvin's (1509-1564) "Five-Point Calvinism" theology. What is true and untrue about these five points?

Which Bible?

A really simple map to finding the best (and only) Bible in English. It's really a mistake to accept the word Isaiah in Mark 1:2. Are thee and thou really appropriate today? Either the "bible" you are now reading is pure or it is not.

September 23, 2017

Remember this famous non-event in 2017? Probably not. It was supposed to be the rapture or something, but I guess the astronomy didn't pan out.

The Birth and Crucifixion of Jesus in View of the 70 Weeks of Daniel

When was Jesus born and crucified? The Bible has the exact answer. Would you believe he lived for 12090 days? Moreover, this article is perfect for recommending to your Jewish and Moslem friends.

The Gospel Colophons and the Synoptic Problem

By Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones Th.D. Ph.D.  According to many of the earliest manuscripts, the dating of the Gospels was sure. Matthew was published in 38 AD (not the currently estimated 85-90 AD), Mark was published in 40 AD (not the currently estimated 66-70 AD), Luke was published in 45 AD (not the currently estimated 85-90 AD), and John was published in 62 AD (not the currently estimated 90-110 AD). So, they are presented in chronological order and hundreds of manuscripts attest to this!

A Critical Look at Blood Moon Tetrads

Remember the not-so-famous blood moon tetrads? I don't see why they were so attractive. They were mostly invisible from Israel.

The REAL 144,000

The enigmatic 144,000 Jews have confused scholars for centuries. Here is my interpretation.

Bible Chronology and Textual Criticism Resources

This is a webpage of significant interest to Biblical chronologists and textual critics. The entire outline of the 4032.5 years of history from Creation to the Cross in charts plus a few articles on textual criticism by Dr. Floyd Nolen Jones Th.D., Ph. D.