This chart shows the Great Tribulation and its three basic components (in blue):

This author sees the Day of the Lord at the 7th Trumpet when all 7 vials of wrath are poured out. Rev 15:7 tells us that the wrath of God is prepared for release at the 7th Trumpet. We were also told that "thy wrath is come" at the pouring out of the 7th Vials of Wrath in Rev 11:18. This is the declaration of the 24 elders of God, not the mistaken notion of lost men cowering in caves in Rev 6:15-17. There is no repentance noted after the 7th Trumpet is sounded, so why would God wait any more than this? This is the day of birth of the New Kingdom, so it would only be natural for the birth pangs to cease in rapid-fire.

Day 1335 sees Daniel and most likely all other redeemed Israelites standing securely in their Millennial lots (Dan 12:12-13; Eze 45:1, 47:22, 48:29). From this skeletal overview, we may now place conjecturally elements, such as the seven seals and trumpets:

The reader is urged to study the matter diligently. This paper serves as a guideline only. For Rapture positioning, see my paper, “The Post-Tribulation Resurrection-Rapture.”

Written by Zach Anderson ( and placed in publc domain at Feel free to copy, free of charge.