The question of when Christ will return has been a subject of intense speculation and debate among Christians for centuries. Many believe that Jesus explicitly stated that no one can know the time of His return. However, a closer examination of the scriptures and their original language reveals a more nuanced perspective.

The Traditional View

It's commonly asserted that Jesus said no one can know the day or hour of His return. This belief is based on passages such as Matthew 24:36 (KJV): "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only."

A Closer Look at the Greek

However, a careful analysis of the original Greek text provides interesting insights:

Why Might Jesus Have Been Vague?

Several reasons could explain why Jesus didn't provide more specific information about the timing of His return:

Biblical Support for Potential Knowledge

Several passages suggest that as the time approaches, more understanding may be given to believers:

The Call to Watchfulness

Regardless of whether we can know the exact timing, scripture consistently calls believers to be watchful:

Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. - Matthew 24:42 (KJV)

The Prophetic Timeline: 1260 and 1290 Days

The Bible, particularly in the books of Daniel and Revelation, presents specific time periods that have captured the attention of scholars and believers alike. The periods of 1260 and 1290 days stand out as pivotal prophetic markers:

These precise durations correspond to prophetic "years" and "months," creating a detailed calendar of end-time events. The specificity of these numbers suggests a deliberate and exact unfolding of prophesied occurrences. Such detailed timing would be meaningless without a culminating event - the return of Christ - as its ultimate goal.

The presence of these timed periods in Scripture implies several significant points:

Therefore, we can conclude that the events detailed in Revelation hold a specific meaning of hope for those enduring the Tribulation. The countdown to Christ's return, marked by these periods, provides a beacon of anticipation and endurance for believers facing unprecedented challenges. It reassures them that their trials are not endless, but part of a divine timetable moving inexorably towards the glorious return of their Savior.


While Jesus did not provide explicit details about the timing of His return, He also did not categorically state that it would forever remain unknown. As we approach the end times, it's possible that God may grant greater understanding to His faithful followers. However, the emphasis remains on spiritual readiness and active engagement in God's work, rather than passive waiting or fruitless speculation.

Let us, therefore, remain vigilant, studying the scriptures and the signs of the times, while continuing to fulfill Christ's commission in our daily lives.

Moreover, periods of 1260 and 1290 days (and their corresponding months and years), while generally ignored pre-tribulation, will take on the essential role of a specific countdown for those who find themselves in the Tribulation period.

Text by Zach Anderson ( and placed in public domain at KJV is quoted. Feel free to share, free of charge.